.Hello my name Is Daniel Pinchbeck, I am a guitar student and I am fortunate enough to have taken just one lesson with Jimmy. I started playing Manuche Jazz one and a half years ago, I am now playing in public, I must give some credit to Jimmy, He was kind enough to come to my home in the rain, sit in my dirty dinning room and remain patient as I displayed my total lack of tallent. Well that did not phase Jimmy one bit, no he just calmly showed me where I neded to work , in my case its been playing arpeggios over chords, but Jimmy was smart enought to explain that concept to me in a way that I could easily understand and use the new found direction. I am still working on the only material Jimmy provided. I hope to have more lessons with Jimmy, I seem to do better inperson BUT...The hour and a hald more or less I had with Jimmy really helped, If you are a new player or even an experinced player who want to sharpen up your skills, Call Jimmy Grant you wont be dissapointed !!...Thanks JImmy...
Dan- CA